Have you been given a written warning?

It’s not a good sign.

A warning is a part, or the start of, a formal disciplinary process.

The intended purpose of a written warning or a verbal warning is to prevent re-occurrence of inappropriate behaviour or misconduct.

Unfair DismissalIf you are given a Verbal Warning take careful note of what was said, by who, where you were and who else was there. 

The emphasis should be on what you have done wrong and what you should do to resolve it.  Written or verbal warnings are an opportunity to clear up the problem and set the worker on the right track. A verbal warning should be given in private.This just shouldn’t happen under New Zealand Employment Law.

What to do if you get a written warning?

If your employer is unhappy with your performance or something you have done at work, they may give you a warning.  The purpose of a warning is to warn you about your actions and allow you to improve your behaviour. A warning can be verbal or in writing.  Your Employer should give you information outlining the issue/incident or problem and give you a chance to respond.  More particular rules about warnings may be in your employment agreement.

Did you know you don’t necessarily get 2 warnings?

Often people think the law says that a person must receive two warnings before they can be dismissed. Actually, the law doesn’t have any such requirement. However, on the grounds of fairness, you should expect to receive some warning or warnings (verbal and/or written) before being dismissed (unless the issue is serious misconduct). Your employer will keep a record in your employment file of any warnings you are given.  It is common to have a limit on how long those warnings stay in your file – usually no more than 12 months.

And Often The Next Step Is A Disciplinary Meeting And Dismissal

We don’t want to scare you but quite often, especially if you are up to the second one, a Written Warning is just the first step in the dismissal process.   Unfortunately, at times the writing is on the wall and the employer is actually going through the motions to dismiss you.  You should contact us for advice, we can talk about what is going on, and advise you on how to handle the situation.  We can represent you (for an hourly rate) if you want to keep your job, or we can start negotiations for an exit package if you feel things have gone too far.


Don’t Panic, and Don’t Resign!  Get In Touch, it’s what we’re here for.


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Jenifer's professionalism and support made a positive impact during a stressful time.


Jenifer was very professional and able to provide the emotional detachment I required during a stressful time.

The successful outcome was a bonus.

Shelley H.

Sandy made it stress-free.


After reaching a point where I had, had enough, emailed No Win No Fee and within one hour received a phone call from Sandy. From being stressed and upset Sandy’s call took most of that away, offering to help me the same day. I cannot express enough how stress-free the help Sandy gave me made me feel. After every call from Sandy the process was explained to me in a very professional but easy to understand manner. I highly recommend Sandy and Work Law. Thank you team

Emmie S.

I Recommend Kam


After having reached out elsewhere, Kam was the first to actually listen and understand my situation.

Having her is worthwhile, she really helped me navigate everything, was always available, put in countless hours, well organized, and ensured I had the best outcome possible. Have so much gratitude for all the work she has done.

If you have an employment issue 100% would recommend Kam. Thank you to the Worklaw team and Kam

Sarah J.

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